Sunday, August 2, 2009

Everybody's Brewing..except them

Well, just got back from a berry picking, geocache getting, and Walking Man drinking day of fun. Sadly, when we tried to go to Everybody's Brewing in White Salmon, after being promised last time some home brewed beer in the following weeks, the sign on the door said closed until further notice. So, I am posting this, hopefully stopping others from the journey, since the website says nothing of it. I'll write about Walking Man soon, as well as finish up my Walla Walla series. Until then, beat the heat, and enjoy something cold and alcoholic. Cheers.


  1. Liar- Liar Pants on Fire!!

    Well actually the fire was in the next building to the West in White Salmon WA- thus let's give Everybody's Brewing & it's crew of dedicated brewing & service oriented professionals a chance to minor clean up a bit & get ready serve again-
    Oh and yes they do brew- had one fine Porter myself at the bar the same evening of the fire that was in the building next door-
    Regrets that many of us will have to just wait a bit longer for another taste of Everybody's Brew & Great food ! One team One fight!
    Local White Salmon WA Resident

  2. oh good, last time we were there, they said the Porter was about a week away. I hope they re-open soon, and when they do, we will head up and give it a go. Thanks for the info!!

  3. Hey anonymous,
    Could you post to let everybody know when they reopen? I just checked their web page and their myspace page and neither one mentiones that they are closed or a reopen date. When Cidermaster and I were there, we were only days too early to try their brew, and are really looking forward to visiting again.

  4. Everybody's Brewing is Open !!! ( again )
    Everybody's own Extra Pale Ale & Porter on Tap-
    I had a fine dinner tonight along with many others- as if nothing had happened........
    Sweet Potato Burrito & the Extra Pale Ale- Awesome August Dinner it twas'- !
    White Salmon Washington again is no longer a dry town! Yes!
    Things are back to normal- come on up!
    One Team- One Fight!
    Local White Salmon WA brewhound-

  5. Great news! We'll have to come up soon.

  6. 8 beers on tap now !
